Wow! It would seem that this question is like playing Russian roulette. Which woman does not have body issues? Or which body issue might finally be the one to do her in. Self-image, the body being a major component, is closely related to self-confidence or self-esteem. There are many young people who will avoid sport or other activities because of their views about their bodies. Once they start growing in the right places some will eventually leave behind the insecurities. However, there are many women have great issues with how they think their bodies are perceived by others.
Notice, I stated bow they think they are perceived by others. I have seen interviews with women who are world renowned as have great bodies, but who take themselves to task about their complexion and many other issues. One would easily ask are you crazy but you look great! So at the risk of being attacked by my readers I am writing from the premise that all women have had some type of body issue at some point in their lives. Even if it is just trying to get rid of a pimple, toning or tanning the skin, getting the next great gizmo that will give the best abs possible, or enlarging or shaping the breasts. Women all have body issues.
The concern however is not that women have issues but the extent to which these issues dictate their daily lives and their fashion choices. On the other hand, unfortunately, some people who don’t have body issues still make extremely poor fashion choices. But that is a subject for another post.
Frankly speaking these issues should not be ones priority. There are too many activities and fashion choices available that should prevent persons from fully indulging in life.
Just use the tools available, within their economic constrains or resources, and live with what they cannot change and change what they cannot live with.Why worry about what someone might think about your body when probably they are at that very moment worried about what you think about their body!! Fancy that, eh? So on with it Carpe Deim!!!
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