Saturday, 3 December 2016

Bra Straps: The Greatest Secret Hiding in Plain Sight

Jeweled Crystal Bra Straps
Jeweled Bra Straps

Bra Straps: The Greatest Secret Hiding in Plain Sight

Faux Pearl Jeweled Bra Straps
Jeweled Bra Straps
Believe it or not belonging is a basic need of all humans. In fact, churches, schools, etc. all provide humans with this cover of togetherness. No one wants to be the first to step out of a group and propose an alternate view. This need for belonging also feeds many lifestyle entities especially the fashion industry.  

Now can you imagine the horror if one of the most widely guarded secret that women actually have boobs, wear bras, and that sometimes their bra straps are visible or can break were actually revealed! What group would they be in: bra strap breakers?

Unusual  Rhinestone Jeweled Bra Straps
Jeweled Bra Straps
Honey Sweet Lace Bra Straps
Honey Sweet Bra Straps

What Does Your Bra Strap Say About You?  

Bra straps still evoke many different ambivalent feelings among women.  It would seem as if older women are adamant that bra straps are a necessary part of a woman’s wardrobe that should remain a secret. The need to hide the bra strap has created so many different accessories all aimed at keeping this great secret, hiding in plain sight.

New RealHot Jeweled Decorative Bra Straps
Fashion Jewelry Bra Straps

On the other side of the conversation however, young people are demanding that they be given freedom of expression through their fashion choices. Is it not obvious that if I have boobs I will wear a bra? If I am wearing a bra chances are it has a strap. If I choose to show my strap does this mean I am cheap, tacky, tasteless or even worse names? These are questions that can only be answered on an individual level.

New Crystal Rhinestone Jeweled Bra Straps

                                                  Rhinestone Bra Straps

What Will You Do With Your Donkey?

This whole debacle of bra straps reminds me of one of Aesop’s Fables, ‘The Man and His Donkey.’ Everyone who came along had a different idea about whether he should ride the donkey, or not. It escalated to the point where the man finally chose to carry his donkey. Can you imagine a man carrying a donkey? Finally the donkey got away from them and ran away. So the man lost his donkey all because of trying to please everybody. I am sure after re-reading that story you remember the moral: Please all and you will please none. Remember, the first sense of belonging that one should feel is to oneself

So when all is said and done I hope none of us plans to lose our donkey. I am riding mine all the way…. What will you do with yours?

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